Web Hosting
With over 5 years experience in the web hosting
business, root S.A. has established itself a market leader in Luxembourg.
root S.A. is currently operating one of the largest Linux web hosting clouds in
Luxembourg with over 1000 satisfied customers. Besides the classical
Linux/Apache/MySQL/PHP offers, Windows hosting offers will be included due to popular demand in 2010. A basic E-Mail service is
included in all our web hosting packages.
Our packages include
Our packages include
Backups of your data are created on a daily basis, so you will never lose a large amount of data. This also includes all databases associated to your web hosting account. Therefore we can always restore the state of your website based on the last backup.
Anti-Spam solutions are active on every web hosting account and content filtering is available for all your E-Mail addresses as well.
Package upgrades can be delivered within a very short time frame on demand, which gives you the possibility to be more flexible while using your hosting package.